Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Closing of the open Internet.

First off, I would like to welcome everyone to my second major blog post. I hope everyone will enjoy these blogs, because I feel they are very insightful to the common reader.

So, on to the topic at hand. Microsoft has announced a bid to buy out Yahoo. To the common person who uses a computer, this is just corporate dealings. However, this is really not the case. Lets go back in time, back to the time when Microsoft bought the rights to DOS. What then happened? Microsoft created a monopoly on the operating system market. For over ten years, Microsoft has controlled what manufacturers included with their computer systems. Now, if Microsoft buys Yahoo, then Microsoft will be able to control what people do and how they do it online. This is because Yahoo controls a good majority of the internet search market. An example of this would be getting the user to only use Microsoft Yahoo or whatever it will be called to do searches online, but built in to Internet Explorer. This would then discourage users from using other search portals such as google, or any other search site, because why go to a web site to search when it is right in the OS.

Others have also voiced concerns over this buyout. Visit The Official Google Blog. Even Google understands the severity of the situation, and anyone who reads this blog should do the same.

I know the last two weeks have been drilling Microsoft pretty hard, but since major things have happened recently with them, I thought that anyone reading this should know the truth, and be prepared for how it may impact their lives online.

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