Monday, February 18, 2008

What the iPhone SDK means for you?

Well, we have had our iPhones now for ages, and we all enjoy them. We also do however hope for new features. In the past, we have expected Apple and only Apple to bring us these features, but they did not come. Then the iPhone hacking community got together, and created third party applications. In the beginning, Apple did not like this, and fought to eliminate this "threat." Because of this, iPhone users revolted on Apple saying that they wanted these applications on their devices, and were willing to make sacrifices to do so. At that point, Apple was losing business due to people like nullriver software and modmyiphone who made repositories and installer sources. Finally, Apple said enough. They finally decided to open their minds, and embrace the third party community. They made a way for developers to formally make applications for the iPhone and iPod touch.

So how does this work? Apple will let developers make applications, and will then add them to iTunes for people to buy or download. There will still be free applications of course, but this will add a full market of applications for users to buy.

How does this have anything to do with you, the iphone owner? This allows you to add extra functionality to your iPhone. You can then customize your device to how YOU like it instead of it being the same from owner to owner. You can now use it to be the business device you want, or the multimedia device you have loved. With the implementation of new applications, you can do things on an iPhone that you can do on an iPhone. If you read my tech review blog at, you will see why I think the iphone is such a good device. I now think that my assessment was further correct by the addition of this SDK and allowing users to fashion their phone to their liking.

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